What is this course about?
This certificate course in International Relations by The Kootneeti is a skill-development program that helps explore professional skills in the domain of International Relations. With weekly activities, interactive sessions, reading materials and necessary guidelines for a career ahead we offer you exceptional exposure in the domain.
Who can attend these courses?
Anyone can attend this course. High school to UPSC aspirants to working professionals. This course is prepared in a way to provide beginner and intermediate-level information on International Relations.
What are the benefits?
- Internship: We offer Internships to people who want hands-on experience. With our global network, our Interns most likely land into relevant jobs.
- Networking: Being part of this course will help you in building a network of like-minded working professionals and individuals from diverse sectors.
- Assessment: We always encourage our participants to put forward their skills. We would assess your skills and may publish articles written by you.
- Curated Reading and Watching list: We share a curated list of documentaries and research papers to understand the topics smoothly.
Skill Development
- Planning for a career in Diplomatic Journalism
- Plan a career in Think Tanks
- Planning a roadmap to working as a Foreign Policy Analyst
- Working in the Diplomatic Missions
- Appearing for Foreign Services/Civil Services exams.
Session timing
Saturday & Sunday: 16:00 – 17:30 IST (10:30-12:00 UTC)
Starting from: April 08, 2023 (Saturday) Postponed
What topics will be covered?
This is a 6-week online course with 4 modules that will cover 12 key topics and 1 introductory topic in International Relations
- Basics of International Relations
- Foreign Policy, Global centres of power
- Defence Policy, Nuclear Policy
- India and the UN System: Role in UN Peacekeeping; Demand for the Permanent Seat in the Security Council
- Introduction to International Relations Theories
- East Asia in contemporary politics
- Space Diplomacy and Technology diplomacy
- Current World Order; NAM, Regionalisation of World Politics – EU, ASEAN, APEC, AARC, NAFTA, BIMSTEC
- Diplomatic Communication (Speech and Writing)
- United Nations: Envisaged Role and Actual Record; Specialised UN Agency, Aims and Functioning
- Research methods in IR, Use of Programming languages in surveying
- Globalisation and Techno-Globalisation
- Career Options after a course in International Relations
Weekly Assignments
Every week we assign you topics to work on. These assignments are further analysed by experts in our team who with their remarkable experience and crucial feedback, shape your skills for your future endeavours in the domain of International Relations.
How much does it cost?
INR 7499 (Inclusive of taxes) for all four modules. (You can select modules of your interest. Each module costs INR 1899).
How to enrol?
Fill out this registration form and select the modules you wish to choose: https://forms.gle/bGPH1c2fZBuXssBa6
Certificate: Yes (With scannable QR code for validation)
No of seats: 25
How to pay?
You can pay by visiting the links below. Alternatively, you can wire transfer the amount. (Please contact at hr@thekootneeti.in for more details on wire transfers/International payments).
For full payment – INR 7499
Pay only registration amount – INR 2499
Please enter valid details – Name, Email and Phone number while making payment.
Note: Payment of the registration amount ensures your seat in the program. This amount will be adjusted from the original amount of INR 7499. The remaining amount has to be paid before the commencement of the program.
For any assistance, please call +91 120 4565994 | +91 9717057293
Who are the instructors?

Maj. Gen. Shashi Asthana
Former Additional Director General Infantry - Indian ArmyMaj. Gen. Asthana is a veteran Infantry General with 40 years of experience in national & international fields and the UN. A globally acknowledged strategic & military writer/analyst authored over 350 publications. Interviewed by various National and International news channels/newspapers/organisations. Currently Chief Instructor, USI of India, the oldest Indian Think-tank in India. On Governing/Security Council CEE, IOED, IPC, ITVMNN and other UN Organisations. On Advisory Board of SWEDINT, member EPON. Expert Group Challenges Forum, Former Additional Director General Infantry. Awarded twice by President of India, United Nations, former Prime Minister Moldova and Governor of Haryana.

Amrita Dhillon
Founding Editor - The KootneetiAmrita Dhillon is Amrita Dhillon is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of The Kootneeti. She's a renowned scholar with prior experience working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), she holds degrees in international relations and global communication from Annamalai University and the National University of Singapore. Amrita is also an Honorary Analyst and Member of the Board of several European and Latin American think tanks and takes an active part in initiatives committed to the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations.

Amit Sinha
Communication Manager - The KootneetiAmit Sinha has worked previously at United Nations as a P2-level consultant. His specialisations are in diplomatic communication and analytical writing. His association with the United Nations brings a fresh and lucid approach to the role of communication in the policymaking domain.

Shashank S. Patel
Research Analyst - The KootneetiShashank S. Patel is a PhD. Scholar in Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi. In addition, he writes for The Kootneeti as a Research Analyst for East Asian Affairs. Formerly, he was a Consultant in the North Eastern Council, Ministry of DoNER, Government of India. He worked on policy matters and was attached to the office of Vice-Chairman, NEC in New Delhi. He was also PA to Minister (Independent Charge) of Science & Technology, Space, Earth Sciences, Atomic Energy, Personnel.
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